Monday, December 5, 2011

Christy and Julia...

Lamaze international is hosting a blog carnival. The topic: How did childbirth classes help me? How can I give back to the childbirth educators who work hard to educate and empower women during their childbearing year? I can tell my story.

My due date had come and gone, I wasn't worried. They had talked about how only a few women 'go' by their due date. They taught us the importance of letting labor start on it's own. So, I waited. Labor started on it's own. They had talked about the stages of labor and what to expect. So, when I first noticed contractions, I knew I was in early labor and I knew what to do. I ate and drank, I went shopping and went for a walk. I kept moving and changing positions. The contractions became stronger and closer together. We walked into the hospital, my doula led the way, my husband was by my side, my mother and mother-in-law followed us. I felt safe. They had taught us the importance of continuous labor support. I had my entourage, I felt like a queen. I had worked hard on my birth plan, it was short and to the point. I planned on laboring naturally without medical pain relief. I chose not to get an IV or hep-lock or any intervention that wasn't medically necessary. They had talked about the cascade of interventions, how one can lead to another. I steered clear of them all. I started to feel scared and panicky. They had talked about transition, that it is normal and means you are close to the end. I remembered and relaxed, continuing my rhythm and ritual. Before I knew it, my body was pushing. It knew what to do and when to do it, I just followed it's lead. They had talked about different positions for pushing, I used them all. After she was born I just laid there, holding my baby, letting both of us catch our breath. I breastfed. They had taught me to stay with my baby, it was the best thing for us and for learning to breastfeed. My husband and I just smiled at each other. We were more than a couple, we were a family.

My childbirth educators taught me so much. Because of them, I was empowered to make educated decisions, to seek the support I needed, and to have the amazing, challenging, life changing experience that only women who have birthed naturally can understand. Childbirth classes gave me more than just confidence or tools to achieve my ideal birth, they were a rite of passage. They helped me become a mother. Thank you,

Christy and Julia...

Friday, December 2, 2011

The finish line...

My sister and I were pregnant at the same time. We used to talk about what labor would be like. We decided it would be like a marathon: long and hard, yet rewarding. We were right, labor was hard. There will be times when you think you just can't go on, but if you just take it one step (or one contraction) at a time, then you will make it to the end. It was also very rewarding, I learned so much about myself by laboring and birthing my baby into the world without drugs or interventions. There is nothing like the rush of hormones you get when you have a baby. I am women hear me roar! Anyways, talks with my sis inspired this poem. Don't laugh :)

My Marathon

Normal, natural childbirth
is not the popular choice today.
Why would you choose the pain? what you'll hear them say.

A marathon runner will tell you,
the challenge is why they strive.
Why would you choose to run,
when it is easier to drive?

Some choose the harder way
to test their body and their soul.
You become stronger and more confident
when you finally reach your goal.

Giving birth is my marathon.
I practice and prepare for my wish.
Keep moving and drinking water
are things that will help me finish.

I know it won't be easy
there will be laughter and there'll be tears. 
I can do it if I just stick to it,
I will give in and let go of my fears.

In a marathon or a childbirth
the best way to get to the end.
Is with the company and support
of a close and loving friend.


If someone you knew came up to you and said, "I am going to run a marathon in a few months." What would you say? I would say, "Wow! That is awesome." I would ask about how they were preparing, if they were doing it with someone they know. I'd ask about the time and place. I wouldn't question whether they would be able to finish or not. I wouldn't tell them they couldn't do it, or tell them it is pointless because there are cars and buses. So why, when I told people that I was planning a normal natural birth, was I told that I am crazy, and it's dangerous. "You don't have to be a super woman." I was told it's nice that I wanted to 'try' but when it came down to it that I would choose to get 'help'.

It's a good thing that I was determined, those naysayers can do a number on your confidence. I surrounded myself with positive and supportive people. I started slow and steady. When the hills came one after another, I stuck with it. There was blood, sweat, and tears. I kept my eye on the prize, I got to...

the finish line...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Midwives Rock!

I love having midwives as my care givers. I have some friends and acquaintances that think it is weird or old fashion. I disagree. They ask, "what if something happens?" I say, "that is why my midwife is there." I'm not planning on giving birth in a forest, by myself. I just don't see the point of going to a doctor... There is nothing wrong with me, there is nothing wrong with my baby. Don't doctors take care of sick people? I like to think that having a baby isn't some crazy ticking time bomb that I need to have a doctor there "just in case". Don't get me wrong, if there is something wrong with you or your baby, by all means go to a doctor.

Women have been having babies for thousands of years, it seems that the whole system works just fine if you just trust that your body knows how to make and birth a baby. I think going to a doctor is just asking for an iatrogenic complication. I plan on laboring and getting my baby out the way God intended. To me it seems like docs just know too many ways to get around that. So, to sum it all up, I think that...

midwives rock!